Applicant Information

    Full Name: *

    Email: *

    Address *

    City *

    State *

    Zip *

    Home Telephone *

    Cell Phone

    Position Applying For *


    High School *

    Address *

    Dates Attended *

    Did you graduate? *


    College *

    Address *

    Dates Attended *

    Did you graduate? *


    Degree Received (if applicable) *

    Other *

    Address *

    Dates Attended *

    Did you graduate? *


    Degree Received (if applicable) *

    Emergency Contact

    In case of Emergency, I authorize you to contact:

    Full Name *


    Relationship to contact *

    Emergency Contact

    Have you worked with animals previously?


    If yes, please explain *

    Do you have any pets? If so, how many, breeds, etc. *

    Describe the best qualities about your pet(s): *

    How did you find out about us? (If you were referred to us by a person, please provide their name) *

    Have you completed an application here before?


    If so, when? *

    Have you been employed here before?


    If yes, when and what position? *

    When are you available to start? *

    Are you interested in full or part time employment?

    Full TimePart Time

    Are you available for day or night shifts?


    Which days can you work?


    Are there any days or times you are not available to work? *

    Are you able to lift at least 50 pounds and remain on your feet 6 or more hours?


    Do you have reliable transportation to get to work?


    May we contact your present employer?


    Are you now, or do you expect to be, engaged in any other business or employment while employed here?


    If yes, please explain: *

    Have you ever been terminated or asked to resign from a job?


    If yes, please explain: *

    Why do you desire to make a change in employment at this time? *

    Are you legally eligible to work in the United States? (Proof of citizenship status/identity required upon hire)


    Employment History

    List most recent or current job first. You must include any gaps in employment with full explanation and dates for the gap. You must also complete work history.

    Employer: *

    Supervisor's Name: *

    Address: *

    Phone: *

    Job Title: *

    Pay Rate (hourly or salary): *

    Summary of work performed/responsibilities: *

    Reason for Leaving: *

    Employer: *

    Supervisor's Name: *

    Address: *

    Phone: *

    Job Title: *

    Pay Rate (hourly or salary): *

    Summary of work performed/responsibilities: *

    Reason for Leaving: *

    Employer: *

    Supervisor's Name: *

    Address: *

    Phone: *

    Job Title: *

    Pay Rate (hourly or salary): *

    Summary of work performed/responsibilities: *

    Reason for Leaving: *

    Professional References

    Full Name: *

    Phone *

    Email *

    Employer *

    Relationship to Reference *

    Full Name: *

    Phone *

    Email *

    Employer *

    Relationship to Reference *

    Tell Us About Yourself

    Have you ever been disciplined or terminated from any job for an act of violence, harassment, discrimination, ethical breach, or theft?


    If yes, please explain circumstances, employer, and date: *

    Do you currently have any criminal charges pending against you? *


    If yes, please explain: *

    Are you currently wanted by any law enforcement agency? *


    If yes, please explain: *

    Have you ever been convicted of a crime? Any criminal record not disclosed by you may be consider falsification of this application which may result in the revocation or termination of your employment. Also, in accordance with state or federal regulation, you may be required to provide copies of any criminal records. Answering "yes" to this question is not an automatic bar to employment. *


    If yes, please explain: *

    Will you consent to drug testing? *


    Agreement & Release (*=required)

    The facts set forth above in my application for employment are true and complete. I understand that false statements or omission of information on this application (even if discovered after employment) or any other employment form may lead to dismissal or denial or employment. You are hereby authorized to make any investigation of my personal history, financial, criminal, and credit records through any investigative or credit agencies or bureaus of your choice. You are also authorized to administer a personality profile or other pre-employment test and verify my background. A criminal record or sentence is not an automatic disqualification for employment. I agree to submit to any drug or alcohol testing prior to or after employment, and I agree to submit to a medical evaluation, if required. I consent to the release of any or all medical information or records deemed necessary to determine my capability to perform the essential job functions of the position for which I may hold

    In making this application for employment, I also understand that an investigative consumer report may be made whereby information is obtained through personal interviews with my neighbors, friends, or others with whom I am acquainted. In exchange for the consideration of my employment application by Traveling Tails Inn, Inc, I hereby release and forever discharge Traveling Tails Inn, Inc. (including directors, managers, and employees) and my past and/or present employment from the disclosure of such information. I authorize the use of any information in this application to verify my statements and I authorize past employers, all references, and any other persons to answer all questions asked concerning my ability, character, reputation, and previous employment record.

    I understand that if my application is accepted that employment with Traveling Tails Inn, Inc. at all times is employment "at will." It is further understood that this "at will" relationship may not be changed by any written document, verbal statements, or by conduct unless an authorized executive of Traveling Tails Inn, Inc. specifically acknowledges such change. I further understand that my "at will" employment may be terminated at any time by Traveling Tails Inn, Inc. or myself and includes no guarantee, contract, or promise of employment for any specific length of time. I understand that the first 90 days of employment is a new-hire introductory period.

    Using your touchscreen or track pad, please sign in the box below to confirm that you have read, understand, and by your signature consent to these statements.