Please note: we are currently at capacity for daycare enrollment and have very limited availability for puppies under six months of age (who will be under 70 pounds as an adult). If you have a new puppy who fits this description, please fill out the guest registration form. We are accepting limited reservations for puppy evaluations on a first come, first served basis.

It is our priority to make sure all of our guests are happy and healthy and keeping your dog up to date on their health screenings and vaccines will help ensure that.

Please don’t forget you will need to provide proof of up-to-date vaccines for the following:
Rabies (1 or 3 years)
DAPP (1 or 3 years)

Bordetella (intranasal only, Parainfluenza coverage)

Fecal (annually)

An annual Influenza vaccine is recommended, but not required.

Puppies must have had three rounds of their vaccines before they may Stay & Play. We also require that they be spayed or neutered by 8 months of age.

If you’d prefer, please print out the enrollment form and return to our office.

    OWNER INFORMATION (*=required)

    Your FULL Name *

    Address *

    City *

    State *

    Zip *

    Home Telephone *

    Work Telephone

    Cell Phone

    Your Email *

    *Note: For the safety of other pets, our employees and other customers; we ask that you do not bring your dog in on a Flexi (Retractable) Leash. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.

    DOG INFORMATION (*=required)

    Dogs Name *

    Breed *

    Weight *

    Color *

    Age *


    Gender *


    Neutered *


    Spayed *


    Feeding Instructions: All pets must have their food pre-bagged and measured, per meal, per day (i.e. breakfast in one zip lock bag and dinner in another zip lock bag). If food is provided and is NOT pre-bagged, a $5.00 per day fee will be applied. Customers providing canned food or customers boarding for 14 plus days do not need to pre-bag. We are able to provide house food for an additional charge but it is best for your pet to keep them on the same diet during their stay to prevent any complications due to a sudden change in diet. We want your pet's stay to be a fun and comfortable one.

    Medication: We administer medications for free. All medications must be portioned out into a pill organizer (if it is given twice a day, please ensure the organizer has a spot for AM and PM). We appreciate if the medication being sent includes the prescription bottle so we can verify dosage administration. Please do not put the medication in the pre-bagged meal baggies.

    What To Bring For Boarding: TTI will supply a cot and a comfy blanket for your pet. We provide bowls, toys and anything else that your dog may need. Again, we can provide food for a fee but encourage you to bring your dog’s own food (prepackaged by meal) to avoid stomach upset due to change in diet.

    Note: If your dog is staying in a Deluxe Suite, your dog is welcome to bring their own bed for use in the suite. Also, something with the smell from your own home enhances their level of comfort during sleeping times as the nose is the first sense all dogs use.

    Brand of Food

    Dry or Canned


    Amount Per Meal


    Special Feeding Instructions:


    Name *

    Home Telephone *

    Work Telephone

    Cell Phone


    Please list anyone who has permission to pick up your dogs:

    VET INFO (*=required)

    Vet Name *

    Address *

    City *

    State *

    Zip *

    Telephone *

    *Guardian/Owner is required to provide veterinary proof of required vaccines and health screenings. It is the Guardian/Owners responsibility to continue to provide current & accurate vaccinations as pet is updated.


    List any medical conditions or allergies your pet has:

    Would these conditions potentially limit your pet’s level of play during his/her stay?


    What form of flea and tick control do you use?


    How long has your pet been in the family? *

    How did you obtain your pet? *

    Is your dog house trained? *

    Has your pet been crate trained? *

    Has your dog ever been in any other type of daycare/social environment prior to Traveling Tails Inn Inc.? *

    Has your dog ever jumped a fence or barrier? *

    What are your main reasons in bringing your dog(s) to Traveling Tails Inn? *

    playtimelong work daystravel often

    What type of training techniques do you incorporate at home? *

    Does your dog know any special tricks that we can have fun with and reinforce during daycare? *

    List any situations/objects that have frightened your dog? *

    Describe your dog's temperament: *

    Describe any behavioral problems: *

    Does your dog have any history of biting? Explain:*

    Has your dog ever growled or snapped at anyone who has touched his/her food or toys?*

    Does your dog have any sensitive areas on his/her body? *

    List any special instructions for your dog:

    How did you hear about Traveling Tails Inn? *

    RadioTVInternetNewspaperDrive ByMobile Grooming TrailerFamily/FriendOther

    Please click the box next to the following Service Agreement Terms and Conditions to acknowledge understanding and receipt of these policies:

    I acknowledge that my dog(s) should be brought to Traveling Tails Inn for boarding as early in the day as possible. I understand that this policy gives my dog(s) a chance to play, experience the free day of daycare, and run off energy so that they will be ready to rest at the end of the day. I agree to check my dog(s) in no later than 2PM on their first day of boarding.

    I acknowledge that I must provide pre-bagged meals for my dog(s) when they are boarding at Traveling Tails Inn. Each meal, both breakfast and dinner, must be portioned and bagged separately in a Ziploc. (There will be two Ziplocs of food for each day of their visit; a two day stay requires four Ziplocs of food, per dog.) Canned/wet food does not need to be pre-bagged. Pets boarding 14+ days do not need to pre-bag meals. I understand that if I do not pre-bag food for my dog(s) I will incur a $5 per day fee. In the event that Traveling Tails Inn is required to feed my dog(s) because food is not provided, I will be charged $5 per day.

    I acknowledge that if my dog(s) requires medications during their stay, I will provide a pre-filled daily pill organizer. I understand that if my dog(s) require medications more than once a day, I need to provide a pill organizer that has AM and PM pre-filled compartments. (It is helpful to provide a dog's favorite treat as well, if daily medication is given.)

    I acknowledge that I must pre-pay a $20 non-refundable accommodation fee if I request services outside of regular business hours. This includes early drop-off and late pick-up.

    I acknowledge that Traveling Tails Inn is a kennel-free facility where dogs are allowed to interact with other dogs under supervision. I also understand that playtime is at the sole discretion of Traveling Tails Inn and recognize that dogs may be separated from other dogs, or asked to leave for any reason, and I accept any risks that may be associated.

    I understand that my dog(s) must participate in daycare at least twice a month to remain active in the system. If the minimum attendance is not met, I acknowledge that my dog(s) may require a new guest evaluation.

    I acknowledge that I must give 24 hours notice for any boarding cancellation and that failure to do so will result in a $25 cancellation fee. During major holidays, failure to cancel with 24 hours notice will result in a charge of one night's boarding for the price of the suite that was reserved.

    I acknowledge that while my dog is at Traveling Tails Inn, if they become ill, appears to need veterinary attention, or passes away, Traveling Tails Inn reserves the right to take any and all action necessary. Either my preferred veterinarian or the nearest emergency animal hospital will be contacted should a need arise. I agree to reimburse Traveling Tails Inn for any and all expenses incurred and to pay any bills that arise from such care.

    I acknowledge that if my dog contracts any contagious illness, I may be required to provide Traveling Tails Inn with a medical release from a Veterinarian in order to re-join Traveling Tails Inn's daycare or boarding.

    I acknowledge that in the event that my dog is not picked up on the designated date, and sufficient contact information is not provided as to instruction, notification, or plans to pick up my dog(s), they will be considered abandoned after 7 days beyond the original departure date. I understand that Traveling Tails Inn will become the legal guardian of abandoned dog(s) and determination will be made to re-home dog(s). I fully understand and agree that in the event that I abandon my dog(s) at Traveling Tails Inn, that I will not be able to retrieve possession of my dog(s) and have no recourse against Traveling Tails Inn.

    I am aware that no aggressive dogs are allowed to participate in any service offered by Traveling Tails Inn and in the event that dog(s) exhibit aggressive behavior, they will be separated from the play group. Traveling Tails Inn staff will make a reasonable effort to work with owners to address these unacceptable behaviors, however aggressive dogs will be asked not to return to Traveling Tails Inn and such decisions are at the discretion of Traveling Tails Inn.

    I understand that if my dog(s)' behavior results in any damage to facility, equipment, or another dog’s belongings, Traveling Tails Inn is not liable, and I am responsible for the full cost of any repair or replacement. Traveling Tails Inn is not liable for any lost, stolen, or damaged personal property.

    I am aware that there are certain health issues that can arise during and after boarding or daycare (including, but not limited to, diarrhea, excessive salivation, raw pads, weight loss, and hoarseness from barking). Some dogs may refuse water which can lead to dehydration. Traveling Tails Inn Inc. monitors all dogs and addresses situations to the best of our ability.

    I am aware that by leaving my dog(s) at Traveling Tails Inn Inc. or any other pet facility, there is a risk of contracting kennel cough, viruses, illness, or injuries. Although all pets are required to be vaccinated, no vaccine is 100% guaranteed. There are some strains of kennel cough not covered by the bordetella vaccine. I understand I will be responsible for any and all medical bills incurred by my pet for illnesses or injuries during or after their stay.

    I agree to pay all costs and charges for all services needed (including, but not limited to, any and all vet costs) as well as any outstanding balances ($5/day until balance is paid).

    I agree to provide a current and valid credit card number on my account and agree to pay for any services requested or necessary for the well-being of the dog(s) including, but not limited to, daycare, bathing, mobile grooming, boarding, training, taxi, veterinary care, late pickup &/or early drop off, and any damage to facility by pet that may occur. All services must be paid for with the provided credit card(s), cash, or check at the time of reservation or at the time of pick up. I give Traveling Tails Inn permission to charge provided credit cards with any unpaid fees as well as any costs related to checks returned for insufficient funds.

    I acknowledge that daycare packages, training services, evaluation fees & late pick up or early drop off charges are nonrefundable. Daycare packages are not transferable unless to other dogs within the owners account. Daycare packages never expire and can be divided into half-days.

    I agree to allow Traveling Tails Inn, its owners, employees, director, and agents to allow my dog(s)’ names and any images or likeness of their pets while at Traveling Tails Inn, or at any Traveling Tails Inn event, for use at any time in any media, marketing, advertising, illustration, trade or promotional materials.

    I acknowledge that I am responsible for any harm caused by my dog(s) while they are at Traveling Tails Inn. I indemnify and hold harmless Traveling Tails Inn against any and all claims that may arise from the action of my dog(s). I understand that my dog(s) must be spayed or neutered if 7 months or older, be up to date on vaccinations to including Rabies, Distemper-Parvo, & Bordetella, be in general good health, and free of fleas and ticks as well as attend and pass a Meet & Greet Evaluation in order to participate in services at Traveling Tails Inn. I understand that my dog(s) must attend at least one full day of daycare before they are eligible for boarding.

    By signing this contract and leaving my dog(s) with Traveling Tails Inn Inc., I certify to the accuracy of all information given about said dog(s). I also agree to disclose any and all medical or other conditions that may limit or prevent pet from participating in services.

    My signature acknowledges that I, My heirs, and any other assigns, hereby release Traveling Tails Inn, its agents, officers, subcontractors, employees, animal owners, customers, and potential customers of Traveling Tails Inn, from any and all liabilities for injuries to myself, my pet, or any other property of mine which arise in any way out of services and or products provided by, or as a consequence of my association with, Traveling Tails Inn. I acknowledge and understand that every pet reacts differently while boarding, and animals, by nature, are unpredictable. Pets and animals may, without warning, bite or cause injuries to humans and other pets. I acknowledge and understand that there are certain risks involved in leaving my pet in a kennel free environment, including but not limited to, dog fights, dog bites to humans and other pets, and the transmission of disease. With my signature below, I acknowledge and accept exclusive and sole responsibility and agree to pay for my pets' medical expenses no matter the cause. I also authorize the release of said pet(s)' medical record(s) from my veterinarian.


    Using your touchscreen or trackpad, please sign in the box below. If you are unable to sign, please contact us directly and we will arrange for you to sign the form in person.

    Each party acknowledges that this agreement, and any other documents, to be delivered in connection herewith may be electronically signed, and that any electronic signatures appearing on this agreement, or such other documents, are the same as handwritten signatures for the purposes of validity, enforceability, and admissibility.